
For courses on writing research paper


27-29 august og workshop 3 september

Jeg deltok på digitalt skrivekurs i august og workshop i september. Kurset var veldig nyttig og Kari gikk gjennom hele prosessen med artikkelskriving fra tittel til konklusjon. Jeg fikk mange nyttige tips. I workshopen fikk jeg nyttig individuell vurdering på abstraktet jeg holder på å skrive. Jeg anbefaler å ta kurset tidligst mulig.

Marjut Sarjomaa, Infeksjonslege, ph.d. kandidat ved UiO

14-16 november 2023, nettbasert kurs

Takk for et lærerikt og inspirerende kurs! Jeg har fått mange nye verktøy som jeg håper og tror kan bidra til bedre artikler. Jeg vil anbefale alle som skal skrive artikler å ta dette kurset.

Nevrolog, Ph.d. kandidat, OUS

17-19 October 2023, Forskningsparken (Oslo Science Park)

The 3-day course “Sharpen up your scientific writing – make it crystal clear, concise and engaging” given by Kari Skinningsrud, was very helpful and practical. The course highlighted the writing process, critical reading, paper and sentence context and structure. This course has provided me with practical tools and a better understanding of how to write a scientific paper. Kari provided valuable guidance on how to write engaging and easy-to-understand papers. Recommended.

Vibeke Strande, MD and PhD candidate, Unger-Vetlesen Institute, Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital

3-dagers skrivekurs: Svært nyttige, konkrete føringer og prinsipper for hvordan man skal skrive. Satte pris på at dette repeteres igjen og igjen i løpet av kurset.

Workshop om evaluering av egenskrevet tekst: Jeg tok denne workshopen kort tid etter å ha hatt skrivekurset. Svært nyttig å få brukt det jeg hadde lært mens jeg fortsatt hadde kunnskapen ferskt i minne. Fikk tilbakemeldinger på abstrakt som etter kurs var godt nok til å presenteres på konferanse.

Mattis Bekkelund, MD, Unger-Vetlesens institutt, Lovisenberg sykehus

Kurset ga konkrete tips til skriving og kritisk lesing av vitenskapelige artikler. Nyttig å reflektere over hva som gjør en tekst lettleselig og interessant, spesielt i starten av en skriveprosess.»

PhD candidate at the Dep. of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, OUS

Dette var et nyttig og praktisk rettet kurs i skriving – og kritisk lesning – av vitenskapelige artikler. I løpet av de tre kursdagene gikk vi systematisk igjennom de ulike delene av en vitenskapelig artikkel, og Kari delte mange nyttige tips og betraktninger om hvordan man kan øke lesbarheten av en artikkelen, og dermed øke gjennomslagskraften av det vitenskapelige innholdet.

Lege i spesialisering i klinisk farmakologi, Relis Sør-Øst

19-21 September, nettbasert kurs

Dette er et lærerik kurs med en systematisk gjennomgang av hvordan vitenskapelige artikler er og burde være bygget opp og formulert. I kurset blir generelle didaktiske råd presentert og konkretisert ved hjelp av eksempler. Kursdeltakere blir invitert til diskusjon både rundt egne valgte artikler og andre eksempelartikler for å øve seg.

Lege, Brystdiagnostisk senter, Haukeland sykehus

Kurset var veldig nyttig med tanke på konkrete tips til hvordan skrive mer interessant og effektivt. Jeg er helt i starten av PhD-utdanningen, og er glad jeg tok kurset tidlig, slik at jeg allerede nå kan begynne å skissere på fremtidige artikler, med gode verktøy.

PhD-kandidat på Sørlandet sykehus

Jeg er helt i startfasen med skriving av vitenskapelige artikler og har allerede opplevd en rekke utfordringer. Kurset ga helt konkrete råd jeg tar med meg i det videre arbeidet, som forhåpentligvis både blir mer effektivt og konsist. Anbefales!

Stipendiat, Barne og ungdomsklinikken OUS

22-24 August, online course

This course is excellent. The trainer provided some materials that have tips on good writing skills which we read before the course, and it was very helpful. The training was very engaging, as we shared our very own examples of papers that had been published and had enough time to discuss them. The example paper from the training was also very relevant as Kari was able to show us the common mistakes that we as writers make when writing. The organization of the training, especially the coffee breaks we have after every 45 min, helps us to engage more and not to be tired. This is the best course as it digs into how to write compared to some of the courses, I attended for scientific writing which details IMRAD structure and explains superficially what needs to be written in every section. This course went further, and the trainer was able to provide the details of the art of writing scientific papers so that our paper became interesting and very clear to the reader.

Ritha Willilo, PhD Candidate- Health Economics, Dep. of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen

13-15 June, online course

I encourage anyone involved in the authorship of scientific manuscripts to attend this intensive 3-day research paper writing course. The instructor demonstrated an impressive depth of knowledge in medical writing, offering valuable guidance on how to write papers that are not just engaging but also easy to comprehend. After this course, I am left feeling confident with the necessary tools to improve my writing skills and produce better publications.

Silje Holt Jahr, MD and PhD candidate, Department of Neurology, Akershus University

I found this writing course to be valuable and informative. It provided me with practical knowledge and insights that I am already applying in the completion of my protocol. I recommend this workshop to others interested in refining their scientific writing skills.

Francis Okello, PhD Candidate, Econimist, Dept. of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen

Tusen takk for et nyttig og hands on 3-dagers kurs i vitenskapelig skriving. Jeg opplever at jeg har ervervet et metaperspektiv på hvordan lese og skrive vitenskapelig tekst.  Det var også flott med mange nyttige verktøy.

Lena Myran, Clinical Psychologist and PhD Candidate, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, NTNU

18-20 April, online course

I had the chance to attend the 3-day course “Sharpen up your scientific writing – make it crystal clear, concise and engaging” given by Kari Skinningsrud in April 2023. The course was well organized, well structured and taken very seriously by Kari. There was enough time to go through the several topics, including relevant examples. Kari was open to answer all my questions and I believe I am now prepared to analytically review what I write or read. I would strongly recommend this course, especially to young researchers who are starting their journey on writing scientific manuscripts.

Rita Isabel Morais Pinto, biochemist, researcher at Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital


23-25 March

Det var svært nyttig å lære en klar tankegang fra start og få bedre kjennskap til hva som kjennetegner en god artikkel. Kurset vil hjelpe meg å skrive bedre artikler.

Marte Holmberg, overlege, Sykehuset i Vestfold, Universitetet i Oslo

16-18 februar: Tror du kurset vil hjelpe deg å skrive bedre artikler, om ja, hvorfor? Det vil definitivt hjelpe meg. Jeg er helt i starten av en “forskningskarriere”, så det har vært svært nyttig med en så detaljert gjennomgang av artikkelskriving. Kurset gav meg et mer kritisk blikk når jeg leser forskningsartikler. Det gav meg også gode verktøy jeg selv kommer til å bruke i utforming av forskningsartikler. Grundig gjennomgang av formulering og ikke minst hvordan få forskningen formidlet mest mulig spisset.

Ingebjørg Lingaas, MaPh, prosjektkoordinator, Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress

25-27 August, Oslo, 2020: The 3-day course on writing research papers was a breath of fresh air in a world of too broad and general writing courses. The tools learnt are useful for improving on the paper’s content and structure, but stand out in how they allow the user to zoom in and identify, understand and improve concrete shortcomings in e.g. sentence structure and wording. I would recommend this course to anyone looking to up their paper-reading-and-writing game!

Øystein Dunker, physiotherapist, PhD applicant, Neurologial department, Oslo University Hospital

To participate in this course has given me concrete tools and increased understanding of what is needed to write good academic texts. Recommended!

Kristiane M. Hansson, PhD-kandidat Senter for medisinsk etikk, UIO

The 3-day writing course given by Kari Skinningsrud, was inspiring as well as practical. For me, being at the beginning of my PhD-project, it was really helpful to learn a new browsing technique, to get useful tips on which words to choose depending on which message I want to communicate, and how to formulate that message effectively and concisely. I now have a whole new list of words to avoid, pinned on the wall over my desk. I would recommend this course to anybody, irrespective of experience. Because, as we learned in the course, there is always room for improvement. Thank you!

Barnelege, PhD-kandidat. OUS, Rikshospitalet

3-day course, Oslo 2019: This course is useful for all young researchers and PhD students to be a critical reader and organized writer. It focuses on critical reading and  planning for writing manuscripts; especially working on outlining of your paper  will ease your writing, help you to be consistent and to provide proper context. I personally learned useful information during these three days. From an anonymous post-doc at UiO

3-day course, Tromsø 2018: This course is very informative and points to issues that are generally overlooked, ignored or not thought of.

Jaya Kumari, associate professor at Norges Fiskerihøgskole, University of Tromsø

1-week course, Bergen 2017: The participants thought the course was very relevant. There was a good balance between lectures, group work, time for discussion and questions. They especially liked concrete advice and tips that they can use directly in their writing, and the variation between seeing the big picture and small details like grammar and choice of words. The course met their expectations and they would recommend it to others.

Associate professor Una Ørvim, Institute for Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen


1-week course, Oslo

Very good exercise in disposition of the writing process, clarifying your findings and making them interesting to read. Gastroenterologist Ingrid Prydz Berset, Ålesund sykehus, 2016

For a course on writing grant applications

3-day course, Zambia 2018

University of Zambia. The presentation has made me interested in searching for grants. I have never applied for a grant, but now I feel I can be able to try and do so. Maureen Masumo, Department of Nursing Sciences

University of Zimbabwe. Excellent and enlightening workshop. Rudo Nyamakura, PhD candidate and lecturer at the College of Health Sciences

The sessions were captivating. I benefitted a lot from the discussions as we shared information to enhance chances of getting grants.

Augustine Ndaimani, DPhil student, College of Health Sciences

It was a big eye opener.  Judith Musona-Rukwez, DPhil student Department of Nursing Science.

Associate Professor Margaret C. Maimbolwa at the School of Nursing Sciences, University of Zambia also participated in the course and agreed to all the statements above.